I played a Wii today.

Today was a horrible sleety windy cold day. As I was walking out of the horrible weather into the library I noticed that there was some computer and activities type thing day and I noticed that the IU Gaming Club was set up in a room. I went into the side of the library with the computers, found an empty one, sat my stuff down and went back out to check it out. It turns out they had a Wii set up. So I got to play Wii Sports including tennis, bowling and golf. Over all, ti was pretty cool.

Funny enough, the sports thing brought up an issue I hadn’t thought about before. I’m left handed and while I play some sports left handed, I also play some, like golf and bowling, right handed. Switching back and forth from sports is kind of a pain. So I had to think about whether I really wanted to play with the hand I would play the real sport with or would I just play them them all left handed? I’ve never had to stop and think about which hand to use when I played the Atari 2600! Damn kids these days! I tell you what!

1 Comments Showing 50 most recent
  1. mriswyth

    You still have to think a little more than the 2600 made you think, but Wii Sports allows you to select your handedness for each sport when you use a personalized avatar. A nice little touch for situations where you are likely to play more often.

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