Daily Archives: July 19, 2004

Am I supposed to call it 3.0?

Here it is! I hope everyone likes it. Below is lots of non-game related web design lamenting, so if you aren’t into that, the game content will return in the next post (unless I’ve broken things so much I have to apologize!)

Well, after a month or so trying to figure out CSS, I think I got enough of it under control so that I have something I am happy with. I hope everyone enjoys the new site. For those LONG time readers, you may remember that when I first started a blog, it was a 3 column layout, and now it is again. The more things change the more they stay the same.
The layout started out as a template I got from Firdamatic but it was fixed width and I wanted a liquid layout. That broken layout can be seen here. I eventually found A List Apart which had a great article about “Creating Liquid Layouts with Negative Margins.” Now I have to admit, I still don’t entirely understand why the margin has to be negative, but it works. Of course it didn’t work right away, because these things never does. I had to just basically cut and paste the article’s CSS the results of which can be seen here. I discovered an invaluable took for people messing around with web design, editcss, an extension for Firefox which places an item in the right click context menu that pops up the css of any site and allows you to edit it on the fly. With the help of that I was able to get things looking the way I wanted them. But of course, that was only when I was looking at it in Firefox and Mozilla. The calendar was all screwed up in IE and Opera. Now not being a web design wizard, I did what anyone would do, I turned to Google. Eventually I found someone that had encountered the same problem and was able to fix it. So with the help of editcss, I was able to figure out what Palestars did to fix it. Finally came the little fiddling with the borders and the colors. The banner picture is a picture I took here on IU’s campus. I originally was going to have more pictures of places in town where I have seen videogame related things in public, but decided it would be too busy. I made the title with the font silkscreen which I first ran into on the web comic Diesel Sweeties and I tried to keep the actual title fairly small so that it shows up in a wide variety of screen resolutions.

So that is it. I haven’t changed the archive templates (and I should mention that I figured out how to display category archives from Learning Movable Type) and I’m not sure if I will. I’ve tried out the site on Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, IE6 on Windows and Safari, Mozilla, and IE on the mac (it looks a little odd on IE for the mac, but I have no idea how to fix it and according to the server logs it doesn’t look like very many people are using it) but if someone finds something looking weird, let me know. I probably won’t know how to fix it, but I’ve gotten really good at cut and paste!