Daily Archives: December 13, 2005

Henry Jenkins posts eight myths about video games a year ago and people finally pick up on it…

So the whole game blogging world is all a-buzz with Henry Jenkin’s . It was on Attack of the Show, digg (where it was even a dupe there), and slashdot not to mention billions of other places…

I finally got around to looking at the link and i swore I had read it before. Head over to archive.org and welcome to 2004… Maybe there is something to this whole fact checking stuff…

Speaking of old things, some long time readers may remember Arthur Asa Berger‘s Video Games: A Popular Culture Phenomenon and my lukewarm review of it. I was doing some research on early videogame advertising in the LA Times and guess what I should run across? A 1982 article by Berger called, “Pac-Man — Auto-Erotic Plaything?” I’m not sure what to make of it, if it is supposed to be funny or if it is serious. It does a vaguely Freudian take on videogames and contains such intersting sentences as: “This is, perhaps, an extreme statement, but the dynamics in videogames and masturbating are very similar” and “It has take something like 4 billion years for us to evolve from a simple sea creature to Pac-Man. Sometimes I wonder what evolution is all about.” Just plain weird…