Daily Archives: April 7, 2007

Must… Defebd… Desktop…

I’m still going to switch over to wordpress sometime in the future as soon as I get back to hacking around on it.

However, I’ve become distracted by my new addiction: Desktop Town Defense. Just going there to get the url tempts me to play it. I must resist! I must resist! But who will defend the desktop if I don’t?

It is basically kind of like the tank game I used to play in junior high where you and a friend would draw tanks on paper with a pencil and then take shots by scribbling dots on your half, folding it over and then scribbling over the back side of the paper where the dot is to transfer the graphite to the other half of the paper and hopefully on top of your friend’s tank. (I hope that makes sense)

Only in this one you lay out little automated towers and the little creeps crawl across the playing field in waves. You get points for shooting them and the more levels you go the harder they get so you have to upgrade your towers and such. I’m totally addicted…