Daily Archives: June 16, 2009

Dissertation Chapter Bibliography

I’m finishing up the first draft of the first chapter of my dissertation (it isn’t actually chapter 1 which will be the lit review and such but just the first chapter I’ve written) and so I decided I would post the bibliography from the draft to give folks an idea of what I’m writing about.

This is a straight cut and paste from my paper so no nice formatting or turning urls into links.

Accardo, Sal “Sluggo”. “Team Fortress 2.” Gamespy 10 Oct 2007. 13 Jun 2009 .

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso, 1991.

boyd, danah. “Why Youth ? Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life.” The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning – (2007): 119-142.

Clark, Michael, and Olaf Thyen. “gemütlich.” The Concise Oxford German Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2004. 8 Jun 2009 .

Critical Arts Ensemble. “Utopian Promises – Net Realities.” Howard Rheingold’s Brainstorms 14 Nov 1995. .

Ducheneaut, Nicolas, Robert J. Moore, and Eric Nickell. “Virtual “third places”: A case study of sociability in massively multiplayer games.” Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing 16.1 (2007): 129-166.

Fine, Gary Alan, and Sherryl Kleinman. “Rethinking Subculture: An Interactionist Analysis.” The American Journal of Sociology 85.1 (1979): 1-20.

Goffman, Erving. Behavior in Public Places. New York: Free Press, 1966.

—. Encounters: Two studies in the sociology of interaction. Macmillan Pub Co, 1961.

Granovetter, Mark. “The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited.” Sociological Theory 1 (1983): 201-233.

Haythornthwaite, Caroline. “Introduction: The Internet in everyday life.” American Behavioral Scientist 45.3 (2001): 363.

Haythornthwaite, Caroline, and Barry Wellman. “The Internet in everyday life.” Ed. Barry Wellman & Caroline Haythornthwaite. The Internet in everyday life (2002): 3-41.

Hendricks, Thomas S. “Simmel: On Sociability as the Play-Form of Human Association.” Play and Educational Theory and Practice. Ed. Donald E. Lytle. Praeger Publishers, 2003. 19-32.

Komito, Lee. “The Net as a Foraging Society: Flexible Communities.” The Information Society 14.2 (1998): 97-106.

Koster, Ralph. “The Laws of Online World Design.” Ralph Koster’s Home Page 13 Nov 2005. 3 Jun 2009 .

Kraut, Robert et al. “Internet paradox. A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?.” The American Psychologist 53.9 (1998): 1017.

Licklider, J. C. R., and Robert Taylor. “The Computer as a Communication Device.” Science and technology 76.21 (1968): 621-626.

Monsef, Kiyash J. Gamers: A Documentary. 2003. .

Muuss, Mike. “The Story of the PING Program.” 19 May 2009. 19 May 2009 .

Nohria, Nitin, and Robert Eccles. “Face-to-Face: Making Network Organizations Work.” Technology, Organizations and Innovation: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management (2000): 1659.

Noyes, Dorothy. “Group.” The Journal of American Folklore 108.430 (1995): 449-478.

Oldenburg, Ray. Great Good Place. second. Marlowe & Company, 1999.

—. “Third Places.” Encyclopedia of community: from the village to the virtual world. Ed. K. Christensen & D. Levinson. Sage Publications Inc, 2003. 1373-1375.

Putnam, Robert. Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. Simon & Schuster, 2000.

Rheingold, Howard. The Virtual Community: Finding Commection in a Computerized World. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA, 1993.

Shah, Dhavan, Nojin Kwak, and R. Lance Holbert. “”Connecting” and” Disconnecting” With Civic Life: Patterns of Internet Use and the Production of Social Capital.” Political Communication 18.2 (2001): 141-162.

Simmel, Georg. “The sociology of Georg Simmel.” Trans. Kurt H Wolff. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press.(Original work published 1908) (1950). .

—. “The Sociology of Sociability.” Trans. Everett C. Hughes. The American Journal of Sociology 55.3 (1949): 254-261.

Steinkuehler, Constance A., and Dmitri Williams. “Where Everybody Knows Your (Screen) Name: Online Games as “Third Places”.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 11.4 (2006): 885-909.

Stewart, Kym, and Hyewon Choi. “PC-Bang (Room) Culture: A Study of Korean College Students’ Private and Public Use of Computers and the Internet.” Trends in Communication 11.1 (2003): 63-79.

Turkle, Sherry. Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. Simon & Schuster, 1995.

Van Gelder, Lindsy. “The strange case of the electronic lover.” Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices (1991): 364-378.

Weinreich, Frank. “Establishing a Point of View Toward Virtual Communities.” CMC Magazine 4.2 (1997). .

Wellman, Barry, and Milena Gulia. “Net-Surfers Don’t Ride Alone: Virtual Communities as Communities.” Ed. Barry Wellman. Networks in the global village: Life in contemporary communities (1999): 331-66.

I’ve been using Zotero to manage my citations and it is pretty nice. It is miles better than endnote in that it isn’t a baffling program that is cryptic, non-intuitive, and doesn’t tell you if something doesn’t work. It has some rough spots such as the fact that firefox has to be open when you are writing in word for it to actually input the citations or the fact that I crashed it once when I tried to cut and paste a page number into its page number form.