A picture says a thousand words …about the status of videogame studies

I was looking up some stuff about videogames in the library yesterday and I noticed that they had The Meaning and Culture of Grand Theft Auto. Since I have talked to the editor Nathan Garrelts at a couple conferences, I thought I would go check it out. I haven’t gotten a chance to start reading it yet, but it looks pretty interesting.

Once I found it in the shelves I took a second to see what was on the shelves next to it in order to see if there were any other good books near it. This is what I saw:

If you can’t read the titles they are books about teaching kids with games, tailgating, chess, and mental puzzles. I think that says more about the status of videogame theory than any rant I could write.

Damn you Library of Congress Classification System! Damn you to Hell!!!!!

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