Category: general

Tokyo Trip DiGRA summary

I didn’t get around to posting for every day of the confernce so here’s a general overview of my experiences.

On the first full day of DiGRA 2007 I gave my paper and it was givetastic. They say it is better to give than receive… I didn’t do a very good job of fitting it into the time period so what little point I had was probably garbled. Oh well.

On that day I saw someone cite CMCL grad Bob Rehak and I really really wanted to deliver a version of that famous line about knowing Kennedy and you not being him. Unfortunately, the person citing Bob didn’t misuse Bob’s paper or anything and I didn’t have the guts just to randomly say that!

I started Wednesday by heading back to Akihabara. I just couldn’t get enough. Either that or I wanted to go buy this Matrix limited Edition DVD set that I had seen.

I decided to take the train over to Akihabara instead of walking. Unfortunately I got a but turned around when I got off the train and ended up accidentally walking nearly half way back to the hotel before I realized what I had done! But once I had figured that out I was able to go back to the store where I had seen the Matrix box and it was less than 1900 yen! Sweet!

Then I went to a 6 story arcade that I had somehow missed on my earlier trip. Because it was fairly early in the morning there weren’t many people there so I nearly had the place to myself. There were lots of games that I had no idea how to play. Then, on the 4th floor, over in the corner, I saw two of the following machines:

It was Half-Life 2: Survivor!! So I had to play a bit. I played through the Ravenholm level and I can see why, aside from being part of a genre that isn’t all that popular in the East, why the game was not all that successful. One reason is the controls. It is weird in that there is a chair and the controls are kind of like a bulldozer or something (and that it is yellow and orange and black also gives it a feeling of heavy machinery). There is a control on each arm rest. One for basically the equivalent of the WASD keys that was basically a big knob you moved forward, back, left, and right and on the right arm is a joystick that you can twist to turn left or right, pull forward or back to look down or up and with a trigger to fire.

Another reason is that the game is basically designed as a quarter eater. The game itself is broken into levels and in the attempt to make it more like House of the Dead or one of those rail shooters they put labels and arrows on the bad guys. Each “level” is broken into 3 areas which are the highlights of the level. At the end of each level you have to put in another coin (a 100 yen coin in this case). As far as I could tell there isn’t a gravity gun and so all the puzzles that require it are either gone or shown in cut scenes. There are a lot of cut scenes. In between is the physics stuff or the switching from a vehicle to on foot. Alex and the other NPCs don’t seem to exist.

After that I went to get some more tasty Indian food and headed off to DiGRA.

That afternoon and Thursday I attended panels and such. Fellow IU person Edward Castronova gave a well-received keynote one day. He asked for volunteers from the audience. Of course I couldn’t resist the opportunity to take the stage. The next day Marc Prensky gave the keynote. Many seemed to think that he talk was better suited for a different audience but I think it was a good idea to bring someone in to try to talk about the useful potentials of games.

Friday morning I checked out of the hotel, drug my luggage over to the conference to get the cd of the proceedings and then hit the airport. Luckilly, I ran into a couple of Canadians and we were able to help one another find the station and our seats on the train so I was able to get to the airport in time. Of course when I got home I found that my cd of the proceedings had been smashed in my luggage! Oh well I have the printed proceedings and I can only assume that pdfs of the papers will be made available on the website since every other year has been put online.

The plane ride was as horrible as you could imagine a 11 hour plane ride for a 6ft 4in 255lb man would be. At Narita I chose the slowest line to get through Japanese customs — the people were literally counting how many people would get through other lines for every one person that got through ours. I think the final count was 3 to 1.

I had a transfer at the Detroit airport and let me tell you, the Detroit airport is horrible. I’ve never had such a pain in my ass at an airport as I did at Detroit. First we had to get our passports checked. Again I got the slowest line. This time people were counting7 people for every one in our line. At one point the guy actually got up and walked out of the booth! Then we had to pick up our bags even though we were getting on another plane and go through customs. Because I made the mistake of traveling alone I got picked to have my bags hand searched. Yay! That only took an hour to get up to the front of that line. The actual customs guys barely even looked at my bags but it was enough to make me have to hurry to make my connecting flight.

I finally got back to Indianapolis, got my vehicle out of long term parking and made my way back to Blomington. Then I went to sleep for 16 hours! Today I’ve just been recovering from the jet lag. It is good to be home.

Tomorrow I will post about my overall thoughts on the conference and post some things that they don’t tell you about Japan (like the fact that they have awesome Indian food!)

tokyo day 2 Akihabara 011

tokyo day 2 Akihabara 011, originally uploaded by jccalhoun.

Yesterday I made my way to Akihabara. It is twice as big and twice as crazy as you could imagine. The first store I went into was 5 floors of action figures.

On the other hand it is almost impossible to go into dvd stores without accidentally wandering into creepy softcore pron.

I had some awesome Indian food. Yes I had Indian food in Japan. I don’t like Japanese food very much but I love Indian so if there’s a choice, it is Indian every time.

Today I give my paper. luckily it is at 10:30 on the first day so hopefully there won’t be too many people there!

Here’s a link to my flickr set of Akihabara pictures.

Tokyo Game Show

japan day 1 036, originally uploaded by jccalhoun.

So when I got up I decided to try to go out to the Tokyo Game Show. Luckily, I didn’t have any problems navigating the train system (although I think I overpaid on my way out but so what?).

Overall the show was pretty darn cool. Loots of noise and tons of people. Also tons of boothbabes. It was very weird seeing all these people taking pictures of them.

There were also some wild cosplayers but I didn’t take pictures of them because they had a sign up saying you had to have permission and there were people standing in singlefile lines just to take pictures of them.

I got tons of fliers and fans and a few cds of stuff. A couple things that I guess are little cell phone dangly things? I don’t really know.

I didn’t really play too many games because most things interesting like the Metal Gear Solid stuff had lines of an hour or so.

I did play what was one of the few FPS games there and I’m fairly certain it was the only one that hasn’t been made by a North American or European company. It was called PaperMan and its gimmick was that all of the character models looked like something out of PaRappa the Rapper. All of the character models were 2d and so if you looked at someone from the side it was hard to see them. In the trailer they played there was a scene where one person shot through a hole in another person and hit a 3rd guy. I’m not sure if that is actually possible but if so that is pretty neat.

I stood in line for about 20 minutes to play it and there wasn’t really anything all that interesting about it aside from the looks. The weapon models look straight out of Counter-Strike but there were only like 4 weapons in the demo. The characters moved really slow. There are some powerups but they didn’t seem to do much.

Take a look at the flickr set of pictures if you want. I’ll post some videos in the morning.

Tomorrow, Akihabara!


Here’s a short video I filmed and posted in order to test if this stuff works (and yes I am a giant. Don’t make me crush you!). I’ll be taking off for Tokyo tomorrow.

I’ve got a fancy new digital camcorder (see the ad below) that I’ll be using to take videos of stuff. Hopefully there will be wifi in the hotel so I can upload some of them. Wish me luck!

Job opening for Assistant Professor in Digital Media Studies at Indiana University

Yesterday, IU’s Department of Communication and Culture announced a job search for a new Assistant Professor in Digital Media Studies. It is one of those jobs that I would love to get except for that thing about universities not wanting to hire their graduates and that i’m not done yet. Here’s the job description:

Assistant Professor in Digital Media Studies

The Department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in digital media studies to begin Fall 2008. We seek an individual with expertise in critical approaches to digital media to join an innovative, interdisciplinary program that includes media studies, ethnography and performance studies, and rhetoric and public culture. While we invite candidates from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, we encourage applicants involved in research on the cultural, p
olitical, and communicative aspects of online games and in the broader field of digital game studies. Research may involve the formal qualities of digital games, their social and political dimensions, as well as questions of genre, narrative, and history. Applicants should be prepared to discuss the role that digital media play in shaping perceptions of history and culture, in forging individual and collective identities, and in mediating social change. Applicants are expected to have a strong research agenda and a commitment to excellence in teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who have their Ph.D. in hand by the date of appointment. Applicants should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. Review of applications will begin on November 16, 2007. Address applications to: Christopher Anderson, Chair, Digital Media Studies Search, Department of Communication and Culture, 800 East Third St., Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405.

Indiana University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. We are especially interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of scholars, including women, members of racial and ethnic minorities, and disabled individuals.

If anyone has a questions about IU or the Department of Communication and Culture feel free to drop me a line or hit me up at DiGRA. I’m not involved with the job search or anything at this point so I can’t give you any inside scoop but I can tell you the inside scoop on the department itself and our new building which doesn’t have a name.

Digra is coming up quick

Now that we are in August, it is less than two months until Digra 2007 in Tokyo. So in addition to preparing by booking tickets, hotels, and taking a couple Japanese lessons, one thing I can’t help but think about is, “What cool stuff should I buy?” Certainly, I will get some stuff that I see in stores but since I’m going to a gaming conference I wonder if there is something in particular I should be buying. Is there some game that is Japan-only that is a must have? I know there are tons of dating games and I might pick one of those up for novelty value but I would like to get something that is either good or worth something over here in teh states.

Anyone have any ideas?


I’ve bit the bullet and bought my ticket for Tokyo. So I guess I’m committed to go to the DiGRA conference. Let’s see, a 6ft 4 guy sitting in coach for 14 hours. That should be fun…

Of course since I speak no Japanese I may gain a new appreciation for Lost in Translation. …no, I don’t think anything could make me do that!

I also broke down and bought a PS2. Yes, I’m totally on the cutting edge. I got some games from a friend and I’m currently addicted to Simpsons Road Rage. I know it is quite old and just a rip off of Crazy Taxi, but I’m enjoying it.

Looking for some tips I ran across some reviews by people who didn’t like it as much as I did. I found it really interesting that this person got so worked up about the logic (or the lack of logic) of the game’s premise. I’m not saying that this reviewer is wrong or anything. That person is totally entitled to like or dislike the game. It is just interesting to see how someone could be so focused on aspects of the game that I wasn’t focused on at all. I agree that the setup doesn’t make all that much sense with the character’s motivation or that if all the characters are driving their own taxis then the bus would go out of business, but I didn’t care. I just want to drive around and smash stuff! To each his or her own, I suppose…

A picture says a thousand words …about the status of videogame studies

I was looking up some stuff about videogames in the library yesterday and I noticed that they had The Meaning and Culture of Grand Theft Auto. Since I have talked to the editor Nathan Garrelts at a couple conferences, I thought I would go check it out. I haven’t gotten a chance to start reading it yet, but it looks pretty interesting.

Once I found it in the shelves I took a second to see what was on the shelves next to it in order to see if there were any other good books near it. This is what I saw:

If you can’t read the titles they are books about teaching kids with games, tailgating, chess, and mental puzzles. I think that says more about the status of videogame theory than any rant I could write.

Damn you Library of Congress Classification System! Damn you to Hell!!!!!