Insert comment here…

LIke I last mentioned, I’m not playing much lately. I’ve got some console games to play, but if I’m going to sit in my recliner, I’m going to kick back and watch a crappy movie or The Tribe season 3 and 4 dvds I bought.

I have been playing a lot of Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, but that’s a really short game. I loved the predecessor, Strange Adventures in Infinite Space, but this isn’t so much a sequel as a remake since it is really just the same game with slightly prettier graphics and tweaked gameplay.

I feel like I should say something about Jack Thompson’s latest debacle, but I think I covered my thought on it over at game politics:

Jack will initially cry foul but in 3-4 months he will begin to use this case as evidence of his accomplishments by saying how he was the first person to force a judge to review a game before it was released or some crap.

Remember, here is Jack’s pattern:
1.Make outrageous claims
2.Repeat claims
3.Lose and/or be proven wrong
4.Claim that he lost because evil people are against him and/or claim he really won.
5. ???

Even though I thought that the guys from Destructoid were kind of jerks at E3 earlier in the year, they did a bang up job covering the court case.

Ratings? What are they really good for?

Lately, there’s been some commentary about whether or not the ESRB ratings system is broken. I would agree that the system is broken. However, I don’t think it is beyond repair. I think that playing the games is a must. I know that some games, like RPG’s can take more than 40 hours and MMORPGs can take forever, but I think that there is certainly something to be said for actually playing the game to get the character of the game. Without playing the game, without doing anything more than just watching gameplay, there is little way of telling the character of the game. You also can’t tell if there is anything more to the game than what the game producers say is in the game. Call me crazy but depending on the game producers to be consistently reliable doesn’t seem the wisest decision, even if there are penalties for misleading the ESRB.

On the other hand, what good are the ratings? Do they actually help things? They may help parents, but I’m not a parent. Do parents actually read the ratings?

In the article I linked to, the author, Aaron Ruby says the ratings are poorly designed with too many descriptors. Perhaps. I think that it would be silly for a parent to say, “Oh, animated blood. Well, OK then.” After all, There are lots of different types of animation. If we want to use an analogy, Fritz the Cat has animated blood, but I don’t think it is appropriate for children.

On the other hand, the film ratings have some truly bizarre descripters. Next time you see a movie rating, look beneath the R or PG. I mean I remember one film being rated R for “pervasive language.” What is that? Call me crazy but I prefer my movies to have language that is pervasive. Perhaps they meant pervasive bad language (whatever “bad” means…).

However, as gamers, we should be used to having videogames attacked (I love it when reporters or politicians mention that videogame ratings in the USA are self-enforced and neglect to mention that so are film ratings and parental advisory stickers on music….). However, I think that we should site back and wait. The reason why is that the current trend in the film industry is to release a PG-13 film to the theaters, and an “unrated” edition on DVD. Mark my words, it is only a matter of time before some moral crusader takes note of the fact that poor little Timmy is able to buy a film with boobies in it from the store. Then the film industry will get the attention the videogame industry has been experiencing. Maybe then the news will realize who stupid this whole ratings controversy is.

So are there any good pc games coming out before Christmas?

I just finished playing FEAR and found it fairly entertaining. I don’t expect to get the expansion pack though. At least not until it gets really cheap.

Which brings up an interesting point. I don’t really have any games to play right now and I can’t find anything good coming out in the next couple months. I would love to play Dead Rising, but I’m poor and can’t afford a 360. I’m also not really a console gamer so I have no plan on getting a Wii or PS3 — and since I’m no fan of Sony someone would have to give me one before I owned a PS3.

So is the PC gaming market taking the year off and wiating for the consoles to come out before they release anything interesting for PCs?

I am looking forward to Bio-SHock, but it isn’t coming out untill next year. There is also Half-Life 2 Episode 2 (still a confusing name) which is also pushed back untill next year. Even the They Hunger game is eerilly silent on its release date.

While there are some WWII games coming out, man, I am sick of WWII. Even if they are the Greatest Generation, WWII ain’t the greatest setting for gaming. Give it up already! Let’s not even talk about Battlefield 2142…

So it seems like this Holiday season I will be catching up on my reading…

…unless of course someone wants to buy me one of those Playstation 3s…

Jack Thompson strikes again…

On Saturday, Jack Thompson, house husband, announced:

On Monday, September 25, Thompson will journey to another state and announce, with his co-counsel, the filing of what will likely prove to be hugely significant wrongful death action against Sony and Take-Two. The angel is in the details, as this battle in the “culture war” may indeed eclipse even what is going on in Alabama.

So today the case was officially announced and, true to his word, the “angel is in the details.” The case is a wrongful death lawsuit Cody Posey and the makers of “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.”

For those who don’t recall the case, Cody Posey killed his father, step-mother and step-sister when he was 14. The part where the details come in is that during a police interview Posey claimed his father forced him to have sex with his step-mother and during the trial testified that his father has emotionally and physically abused him for years.

So Thompson is involving himself in a case where he is saying that it was videogames and not years of abuse that drove Posey to kill his family. Nice one Jack. Way to pick your battles.

The article goes on to state that the lawsuit is being filed by the members of the father’s family. Hunting around on the CourtTV site there is some evidence that there is a rift between the family of the Cody’s father and his mother in which the father’s family denies the abuse allegations and wanted Cody punished to the maximum extent of the law while the mother’s family wanted a more lenient sentence. Since the court handed down a rather lenient sentence, my opinion is that Thompson has simply been caught up in a bitter battle between two groups over whether or not Cody Posey’s father really was abusive. As this lawsuit is brought against both Cody Posey and the makers of GTA, there is little doubt that the mother’s side of the family will strongly emphasize the abuse angle. I’m betting that Jack is getting into much more than he bargained for here.

Of course the cynical part of me predicts that when the mother’s family brings up the abuse charges and makes the father out to be horrible people, Jack will turn his back on the case claiming that he didn’t know about the abuse allegations thereby avoiding another loss in court…

Stupid Game Design Choices…

I just finished playing Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and I’ve started playing F.E.A.R. In each game I’ve encountered some very frustrating elements.

While I enjoyed Call of Cthulhu, as more of an adventure game than a FPS, the most frustrating part is that the game designers had an irritating habit of placing save points — and let’s not forget that there are save points and not quick saves in the first place — just before crappy cut scenes. Very very irritating to have to watch the same damn clip a dozen times in a row while trying to get past the portion of the game.

FEAR, on the other hand, was irritating before I even started playing it. Stupid copy protection meant the damn game wouldn’t install in the first place. I couldn’t even copy the disk to the hard drive without resulting in an error. I eventually got it copied over by booting into linux and just telling it to retry copying the files over and over. I knew I should have just downloaded the torrent. That would have been a lot easier than having to go through this.

It seems that it might occur to someone that pissing off your customers wasn’t a very smart think to do…

More on porn laws

Since my last post asking about laws regarding selling pornogrpahy to minors, I’ve gotten a few comments I thought I would post here.
Konrad writes:

In general, the main piece of legislation re: porn is the decision in the Miller vs. California test:

Long story short, the main contribution here is the “Miller test,” defining whether or not a given form of speech can be categorized as “obscene,” and therefore not protected under the First Amendment:

“However, the Court acknowledged “the inherent dangers of undertaking to regulate any form of expression,” and said that “State statutes designed to regulate obscene materials must be carefully limited.” The Court, in an attempt to set such limits devised a set of three criteria which must be met in order for a work to be legitimately subject to state regulation:

* the average person, applying contemporary community standards (not national standards, as some prior tests required), must find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
* the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions[1] specifically defined by applicable state law; and
* the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

The third condition is also known as the “SLAPS test”. The work is considered obscene only if all three conditions, which together constitute the Miller test, are satisfied.”

As far as kids buying Playboy (and I guess the proper legal term here is “disseminating pornography to minors,” that’s handled on a state-to-state basis. It’s currently illegal in all 50 states, but the laws are set at the state level, so there’s 50 different pieces of legislation dealing with the same thing. To the best of my knowledge, though, they are all based on the Miller test. (As a matter of fact, all the current “violence as porn” efforts in state legislatures all over the country pretty much just want to extend the scope of the Miller test onto graphic violence, thus defining it as a form of obscenity and circumventing counter-arguments based on First Amendement protections…)

Robbie writes:

There seems to be a bit of information on wikipedia:

It provides a summary of legal proceedings and the rationale that co-ordinated the proceedings, and links to to the cases themselves.

The basis of the first part of the section on anti-pornography laws being that pornography degrades the “grand idea” of free speech as is pertains to protecting other, more credible media institutions. The page quotes that pornography perhaps shouldn’t be protected, as it is a “crass commercial exploitation of sex” – which is pretty ridiculous as an argument, since you could attack any hobby/interest magazine or TV programme with such arguments. Furthermore, it continues to suggest that pronography degrades the moral balance of society, which is perhaps the best argument against pornography, and the one that would most apply to video-game regulation – even though it is merely arguing to keep the status quo, rather than perhaps what may be a very culturally valuable medium in times to come.

grumpy_archmage writes:

Well, here in Arkansas, there is a law prohibiting the salf of “[…], pictures, clothing, or other materials which are immoral, lewd, obscene, indecent, or offensive” with contact of the Prosecuting Attorney being the action taken. (Arkansas Code 2-36-103. Sale of immoral, lewd, etc., items.)

As far as pornography, the Arkansas Law states that its a class B misdemeanor to sell porn or show porn movies to minors or to display the bottom 2/3 of a porn dvd. Oddly enough, the law does not apply if 1) the parent, legal guardian, or aunt/uncle/grandparent gives the clerk permission to sell it to the kid, 2) the said family member actually sells it to them, or 3) the said family member gives permission to show or shows themself a porn movie to the kid. Talk about a crazy law… (Arkansas Codes 5-68-501, 502, and 503 Selling or Loaning Pornography to Minors)

Jythie writes:

It usually falls under umbrella ‘corruption of a minor’ laws. Such laws can be used to prosecute almost anything if you can convince a judge that it is bad enough. Their application is not generally federal.

I’ve actually seen the same law used to take kids away from parents with unpopular religions, nudists, polly folks, kinksters, etc.

As for stores selling porn, they tend to be on thin-ice in many areas as it is, so mostly they just don’t want to attract irate parrent by simply not allowing such sales. Obsentiy laws can be applied anywhere a complainer feels they can cause trouble.

Finally, jabrwock writes:

I usually go to a state’s website and look up “obscenity” & “nudity” in their statutes. It usually returns the applicable laws such as definitions, fines, etc.

For an overall definition as approved by the Supreme Court, see the Miller test. It’s left up to each state to determine what “sexual conduct” actually means, and what penalties to assign.

For example, in Washinton State, I went to, clicked on “search” and typed “obscene” & “nudity” into the search box, and asked it to search in the various sections. It returned all the different laws that apply to obscenity, covering sexual conduct, sexually explicit, etc.

One of the most

One of the most common arguments that those who are in favor of making laws restricting the sale of videogames (when not erroneously arguing that in the USA film ratings are governmentally enforced) is that the sale of pornography to minors is illegal, so why shouldn’t the sale of certain games be illegal?

Can anyone point me to a refernce on pornography laws in the USA? I’ve spend about half and hour searching online, Amazon, and the college library card catalog and I have yet to find anything that exaplins exactly what the pornography laws are in the USA. (The main problem is that any search tends to return logs of hits for child porn and internet porn laws. I want to know exactly what the laws about a kid buying Playboy are.) Anyone actually know what the law(s) are?

The ratings game…

In the April issue of Computer Gaming World, there were no ratings on the reviews. They wrote:

Its April, Fools!
As you flip through this issues reviews, you’ll notice something. Yes, CGW is playing a cruel April Fools Day joke on impatient consumers everywhere: This months reviews come score free. Was Star Wars Empire at War worth the wait? Is Rainbow Six: Lockdown anything more than a lazy console port? And do you really need to play a game about the Winter Olympics?
You’ll just have to read the full reviews to find out scores be damned. [….]
And if you believe this is crazy, just wait until you see next months all new Reviews section. Page 79

Then, in the May issue, Jeff Green Wrote:

I’m old. How old am I? [….] I’m so old, I remember back when this magazine ran game reviews without any star ratings on them. From our humble beginnings in 1981 until June 1994 (thats 13 years, according to my calculator!) this magazine did not attach numeric scores to reviews. And when we finally started to, in July 1994, it incited an immediate firestorm of protest. You’ve sold out! readers cried. You’ve dumbed the magazine down! they sighed. You’ve made the text irrelevant! they whined. Over time, however, the protests died down (mostly), and the gaming public came to accept scores as a crucial aspect of a game review. Now, a games average is often the only thing many gamers (and publishers and developers) even care about.
So its with much irony that the CGW mailbox now overflows with new protests from readers angry that we removed the scores last month. Why we did that may be a little clearer this month, as we reveal more of our ongoing strategy to reposition and redefine our editorial mission here in 2006. Or maybe it will be even less clear. What do I know? In any case, check out our new Viewpoint section […] Page 10

Where the reviews used to be, they wrote:

Pardon Our Dust
WE JUST BROKE OUT OF THIS STUFFY OLD BOX. THIS month, your trusty Reviews section receives a revisit, complete with the shiny new Viewpoint moniker that tops this page. Name change aside, you should notice four very important changes to CGWs newly refocused opinion section:
1 More in-depth reviews. Reading the same old stuff six weeks after it hits the Internet just doesn’t cut it anymore. Now, servers as our jumping-off point for longer, deeper reviews of the games you should be playing.
2 No more scores. Those of you who want your Cliffs Notes still get a verdict box with a short summary of the reviewers opinion but now the text speaks for itself. If you’re really desperate, check out our new Reality Check page for a spread of other industry scores and see how they compare with what we say. Page 79

Personally, I didn’t really care. One rating doesn’t convince me to discourage me from buying a game. However, a funny thing happened as I flipped through the September issue of Computer Gaming World. They have started sneaking rankings back in.

In the Rise & Fall: Civilizations At War review Tom Chick starts off by mentioning another review with the phrase, “he says in his 9-out-of-10 review” and then a subsection heading for the review is, “Brother, Can You Spare a 7 Out Of 10?” (92, 93). Similarly, in Greg Kramer’s review of City Life, there is a line which states, “Despite its oddities and rough edges, the game’s critical consensus remains positive, with most ratings hovering around 1UP’s strong 8 out of 10” (98).

Curious, I went to and looked at their review of City Life and who wrote it? Why Greg Kramer! Curious, I looked at 1Up’s review of Rise & Fall: Civilizations At War was written by Tom Chick (who gave it a 5 out of 10, so why the heading 7 out of 10??). The oddest review in the issue is Eric Neigher’s review of Titan Quest which is basically a discussion of his 1Up review of Titan Quest..

What in the world is going on here? Are they simply pimping for Or are they regretting eliminating the ratings and attempting to slip them back in?

My first assumption was the latter. I assumed they got so much hate mail they were attempting to satisfy people without appearing like they caved into pressure. However, I was curious to see if anyone else had noticed the hijinx occurring and found out that something even more starting was going on with CGW: they were being canceled/turned into a new magazine called: Games for Windows: The Official Magazine. So now, just like Playstation and X-Box have their official magazines, it looks like Windows will have their official magazine which employs much of the staff of Computer Gaming World.

It will be interesting to see if they retain the “no ratings” policy or if they use that opportunity to reinstate them. Honestly, however, I can’t see a magazine with a name like Games for Windows: The Official Magazine being really popular or lasting too long. Who knows though. It will certainly be interesting to keep an eye on.

School has returned and so have I

So exams are over …for now. I have to revisit them in January, but it will be the same material, so I’m not terribly concerned.
Gaming related, watching the latest trailer for Half-Life 2 Episode 2, I was reminded of my major gripe with Episode 1. In Episode 1, there is an Antlion QUeen (according to wikipedia, it is a technically a guard, but it seems more like the queen of the hive to me). After killing it, that is it. You can’t get the antlion scent and use it to turn antlions to your side. According to WIkipedia, getting the scent gland is, “an act which is said cannot be done by humans,” but I’m not sure where such information came from. I don’t remember that in the game. While playing Episdoe 1 I was totally looking forward to being able to use the antlions! I suppose that this is a place where that carefully crafted system where Alyx makes useful comments could have come in handy. She could have said something like, “too bad we can’t get that pheremon sack, isn’t it Gordan?”

It is intersting how a single line would have prevented me from being disappointed. As it is, it seems as if the possibility that the antlions can be controlled is just ignore within the game world. There were so many areas with antlions it would have been interesting to take control of them. Oh well, perhaps in Episode 2

So what would a line of dialog such as the one I proposed be considered? Is it narrative? Does it add to teh story line? Or is it something else? It seems that such a line might be similar to a situation where when telling a story someone brings up a detail, as an aside, as a way of reasuring the listener(s) that the detail hasn’t been forgotten or that it may be brought up later. Do such elements have names, besides foreshadowing or asides? Do they serve the story? Do they serve to placate plisteners/players? Inquiring minds want to know! Inquiring minds like me!